Speciale Carantec n 3 (Sud Brittany) sweet and nutty € 7 each

Special Perle Noire n 2 (Brittany) mineral with vegetal notes € 7 each

Gillardeau n 2 (Marennes d’Oléron) nutty flavor and sweetly savory € 8 each

Sea Urchins (Galicia) all seafood flavour € 7 each



Prawns Ceviche or Snapper** with mango and Bottarga € 26

Amberjack** slices with lemon, tomato juice and Pachino tomatoes € 30

Tuna** slices with strawberry vinegar and thyme with salad € 30

Wild Seabass ** slices with citrus with fennel slices € 35

Tuna** tartare with capers and Siberian Caviar € 45

Red Prawns with must gr 100 € 16

Langoustines with lemon gr 100 € 16








Seafood salad oil and lemon with raw artichokes € 30

Catalana with Prawns € 35

Catalana with Lobster € 45

Seared Scallops with yellow tomatoes and wild chicory € 35

Sautéed Baby Squid with seared artichokes € 38

Fried baby Octopus in Evo with zucchini € 38

Fried Calamari in Evo € 30








Grilled local Octopus with oil, lemon and avocado € 32

Spicy Bucatini with Yellow Tomatoes and Tuna € 26

Linguine with Lobster and 4 kinds of tomatoes € 45

Tagliolini with Mix Seafood € 30

Stew Gurnard fillet with potatoes € 30

Fish, Seafood and Crustacean big soup with tomatoes € 60









Big Mix Raw Fish Selection € 75

Asetra Caviar gr 30 with focaccia and dressing € 150

Iced Spaghettini with caviar. Homage to Gualtiero Marchesi € 90

Sea Plateau € 180

6 Oysters, 2 Sea Urchins, 3 Langoustines, 3 Red Prawns, 1/2 Lobster, Prawns Ceviche









Spicy Spelt spaghetti with baby Squid and salt ricotta cheese € 38

Risotto cheese and pepper with red and white Shrimps € 35

Spaghetti with Sea Urchins “Massimo style” € 40

Pasta with Sardines Sicilian style € 25








Boned Red Mullet fillets with sage and chicory € 36

Wild Seabass with lemon sauce and crispy Prawns with seared artichoke € 45

Prawns with Champagne sauce and red cabbage € 40









Whole fish (100 gr) € 13

Med. Crustacean, Lobster (100 gr) € 16

Big Langoustines, Big Red Prawns (100 gr) € 20

Aragosta (100 gr) € 23










Potatoes  € 8

Big salad  € 15

Vegetables  € 15

Artichoke   € 12








Mineralized water € 3

Bottle water € 5

Bread basket € 4

Focaccia € 9

Bread and pasta gluten free + € 3


The price of the dishes increases by 20% when they are divided for 2 or more people


Il pesce fresco destinato ad essere consumato crudo è contrassegno con ** ed è stato da noi sottoposto a trattamento di bonifica preventiva conforme alle
prescrizioni del Reg (CE) 853/2004 (all. III, sezione VII, capitolo 3, lettera D, punto 3)
I prodotti contrassegnati con * potrebbero essere surgelati causa difficile reperibilità per mootivi metereologici o stagionale del prodotto fresco.
E’ gradita l’informazione per qualsiasi intolleranza alimentare. Chiedere allo staff l’elenco degli allergeni E’ gradita l’informazione per qualsiasi intolleranza alimentare. Chiedere allo staff l’elenco degli allergeni